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New Book: Literacy Teaching and Long-Term English Learners

Maneka Brooks

I am excited that a book that I have been working on is finally available in digital and print form! I keep reading the title over and over again:

Transforming Literacy Education for Long-Term English Learners: Recognizing Brilliance in the Undervalued

More important than the title, one of the things that I find to be most special about this book is that it combines theory and practice in a way that uplifts students identified as LTELs. Here is an excerpt from the book jacket that captures the essence of the book:

“Grounded in research on bilingualism and adolescent literacy, this volume provides a much-needed insight into the day-to-day needs of students who are identified as long-term English language learners (LTELs). LTELs are adolescents who are primarily or solely educated in the U.S. and yet remain identified as "learning English" in secondary school. Challenging the deficit perspective that is often applied to their experiences of language learning, Brooks counters incorrect characterizations of LTELs and sheds light on students’ strengths to argue that effective literacy education requires looking beyond policy classifications that are often used to guide educational decisions for this population.”

You can purchase this book from Routledge or Amazon. Let me know what you think about it!