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About My Teaching

Prior to becoming a teacher educator and professional developer, Dr. Brooks worked in the K-12 setting in multiple contexts: classroom teacher, writing center coordinator, academic tutor, and after-school mentor.  As a teacher-educator, her pedagogical choices combine theory and practice because successful teachers have a solid understanding of why they should use particular strategies. Additionally, she models the pedagogical techniques that I want my students to implement in their classrooms. This means that lecturing is kept to a minimum and students explicitly engage in the research-based practices. An important aspect of her instructional practice includes utilizing technology, such as classroom video footage and on-line resources. 

Teaching-Related Awards

Current Courses

Texas State University (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)


  • US1100: University Seminar

  • RDG 3323. Teaching Reading in the Content Areas

  • RDG 4320: Literacy Education for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children


  • CI 5330: Multicultural Teaching and Learning

  • RDG 5331: Literacy Methods for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Children

  • RDG 6330: Language Acquisition and Development for Literacy Instruction

  • ED 7314: Community Development for Educators

Previously Taught Courses

California State University, Fresno (Department of Literacy, Early Childhood, Bilingual, and Special Education)

  • Fall 2013: EHD 154A Initial Student Teaching Seminar

  • Fall 2013: EHD 155A Student Teaching in Secondary School

  • Fall 2013: LEE 154 Content Area Language and Literacy Instruction

  • Spring 2014: LEE 156 Content Area Literacy and Communication in Secondary Classrooms

  • Spring 2014: LEE 215 Language Issues in Reading

Stanford University (Stanford Teacher Education Program)

  • Summer 2012:EDUC 299 Educating for Equity and Democracy

  • Summer 2011:EDUC 299Educating for Equity and Democracy

  •  Winter 2011: EDUC 388A Language Policies and Practices

  • Spring 2010: EDUC 228H Literacy, History, and Social Science

  • Winter 2010: EDUC 388A Language Policies and Practices

  • Spring 2009:EDUC 228H Literacy, History, and Social Science

University of California, Santa Cruz (Department of Education)

  • Autumn 2010: EDUC 204 Methods of English Language Development for Secondary Teachers

  • Spring 2011: EDUC 141 Bilingualism and Schooling