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About Me


Dr. Maneka Brooks is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Educator Preparation at Texas State University's College of Education. As Associate Dean, she provides leadership and support for the college’s academic affairs through an equity and inclusion lens. Among other duties, she oversees curriculum planning and development, advances initiatives that support academic success, develops and refines external partnerships, and supervises the director of the College's Undergraduate Academic Advising Center.

In addition to her work as an administrator, Dr. Brooks is an avid researcher who is an Associate Professor of Reading Education. Through her research, she is committed to creating equitable learning environments for bilingual adolescents through a re-imagining taken-for-granted educational practices. Her research spans the topics of bilingualism, adolescent literacy instruction, language proficiency and assessment, and course placement. Most recently, her work has been published in TESOL Quarterly, Teachers College Record, and Phi Delta Kappan. Dr. Brooks’ book, Transforming Literacy Education for Long-term English Learners, is actively used in teacher education.

Dr. Brooks earned her PhD in Educational Linguistics from Stanford University Graduate School of Education, a M.A. in Secondary Bilingual Education and B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Spanish from Loyola Marymount University.

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