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About My Research

Dr. Brooks’ main research interests center on the everyday educational practices that impact the academic trajectories of bilingual adolescents in US schools. She is interested in these seemingly mundane educational practices because they are rarely examined, yet they play important roles in students' lives. In her most recent article in TESOL Quarterly (2022), she used an intersectional anti-adultism conceptual lens to investigate how 20 high school youths understood the relationship between two routine EL practices—English language proficiency (ELP) testing and EL-related course placement—and their institutional EL classification. This study found that most participants did not use ELP testing or EL-related course placement to recognize their labeling. That is, even though youths took ELP tests and/or were placed in EL-related course placement, most did not realize they were identified as ELs. Youths’ interpretations of the meaning of these two practices were related to how they understood themselves and their schooling experiences. As such, the findings highlight the necessity to create structures for multidirectional and intergenerational communication between youth and adults that challenge institutionalized adultism within EL policy. The interconnection of her research interests across the past decade is the careful analysis of the seemingly mundane, which she contends is fundamental for more just research, policy, and practice.

Links to published research are included below. If you would like a copy of any publication, please email Dr. Brooks. You can also see if the publications are available on my or ResearchGate page. 

Publications (Chronological Order of Publication)

Selected Research-Related Grants and Awards